

Jack Daniel's CocaCola

コーラがメインかと思いきや、コカ・コーラジャックダニエルチキンレース。どちらも負けず劣らずの主張w コーラメインの軽いお酒をイメージしてると裏切られるだろう。しっかりウイスキーを感じて飲みたい方はいいかもしれない。



I thought that Cola was the main one, but Coca-Cola and Jack Daniel's chicken race. Both of them are as unique as they are. If you imagine a light drink of cola main, you will be betrayed. It may be good for those who want to feel and drink whiskey.

Rather than the cold season, it might be a good idea to bring meat with you on a hot barbecue.